yesterday, early in the morning, there was more open water, approx. 25%.
Last night it froze pretty good, so i went to the lake this morning i expected not much change that way.
It must have been the wind, the lake is now 80 % open.
And lots of ducks!
First yesterday, I met a grouse close to the lake. On the lake the two bonaparte's gulls, the pair of pintails and now four mallards (3 males one female) and i could here the lesser yellowlegs.
The mew gulls seem to have gone, they were not there this morning either. But a lot of ducks had flown in.
First close to were i come out at the lake; a pair of buffleheads, and a male barrow's glodeneye.
total count: 2, a pair of, buffleheads
2, a pair of barrow's goldeneye
4, 2 pairs of scaup
6, one female and 5 males, mallards
2 or 3 bonaparte's gulls
lesser yellowlegs
3 unidentified ducks
(and May 13, 2017 the lake totally ice free now, no ducks! nor gulls, that i could see or hear, just hearing the yellowlegs.)
and continuing my walk , May 10, grouse, juncos and robin's, i decided to climb a fairly steep high hill, and right on the top:

a yellow-rumped warbler.
Yesterday May 9, a yellow-rumped warbler arrived in my yard
with two of those???